PilotFish Interface Exchange (PIE)

A marketplace for eiConsole (IDE) interface templates, components and industry bundles
eiConsole IDE 90-Day Free Trial!
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Associated Industry
Government, DHS, FBI, CIA, INS
Associated Application
The eiPlatform is required to run in production interfaces configured using the eiConsole
Release Date
May 13, 2011
Resource Type

Product details

XCS eiConsole for NIEM

The XCS Enterprise Integration Console (eiConsole) with support for the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) offers a graphical IDE (Integrated Development Environment) designed for developing, deploying, managing, and maintaining interfaces. It provides the most cost effective, secure, and efficient way to manage real-time information sharing amongst an unlimited number of authorized government and non-government agencies and departments.

Government is comprised of thousands of federal, state, and local agencies. Each of these entities is home to a largely unique set of systems and technologies. As the regulatory landscape evolves, there's an increasing need to integrate these islands of disparate information. The PilotFish XCS eiConsole is the highest quality, fastest, and most cost effective means to integrate these heterogeneous systems and expose data in compliance with the law.

The XCS eiConsole provides a paint-by-numbers approach to interface development including, configurable components to handle any data format, security method, validation scheme, or connectivity protocol.

The XCS eiConsole has been specially designed to take advantage of the inherent flexibility of using NIEM XML standards. The NIEM (National Information Exchange Model) builds on the success of the existing GJXDM (Global Justice XML Data Model) to facilitate standards-based communication across a number of domains, including:

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN)

Emergency Management


Infrastructure Protection


International Trade




Terror Watchlists / Person Data Exchange Standard

One of the benefits of NIEM can be found in the consistent packaging of standards documentation into IEPD (Information Exchange Package Documentation). These packages contain artifacts (NIEM XML schemas, NIEM XML samples, NIEM documentation) that can be directly consumed by the XCS eiConsole. The ability to directly consume these artifacts offers substantial productivity gains and once consumed, the XCS eiConsole user can "clone and configure" an interface from the generated template.

With the XCS eiConsole, you can configure interface to any system(s) or service(s) to any other system(s) or service(s) irrespective of the platform, operating system, database, or communications protocol. Whether you are implementing a simple point-to-point interface or a comprehensive SOA it provides an integrated solution for all phases of interface development. The XCS eiConsole supports the connectivity, transformation, and delivery of information with logical stages including:

B2B Adapters/Listener to connect to the Source system(s) or service(s).

Source XML Transformer to transform information from its proprietary format to a common format.

XML Workflow/Router to direct the information to its intended Target(s).

Second XML Transformer to transform the information from its common format to the format acceptable to the Target(s).

B2B Adapters/Transport to connect to the Target system(s) or service(s).