PilotFish Interface Exchange (PIE)

A marketplace for eiConsole (IDE) interface templates, components and industry bundles
eiConsole IDE 90-Day Free Trial!
The PIE makes it easy to collaborate and share eiConsole. Interfaces templates and components. Follow the eiConsole Assembly and configure interfaces with no coding or scripting. Then using the PIE Wizard publish and share them on the PIE in just minutes. Charge a fee or make them available for free. Everything you need is provided.

eiConsole for EDI X12 Bundle

  • Associated industry: Healthcare

This bundle is meant to be used in conjunction with the EDI Getting Started Tutorial, available at https://cms.pilotfishtechnology.com/eiconsole-edi-quick-start-tutorial/. More...

eiConsole for Healthcare Bundle

  • Offered by: PilotFish Technology
  • Associated industry: Healthcare
  • Associated application: PilotFish eiConsole

The Healthcare Bundle enhances the XCS eiConsole with a whole host of powerful healthcare-specific features and capabilities to enable better, faster, and higher quality integration of systems throughout the healthcare industry. Healthcare standards including HL7 2.x, HL7 3.x, CCD, CCR. DICOM, CDISC and ANSI X12 are supported natively with this upgrade. More...

These interfaces show examples of how to use API XL to communicate with a REST API More...

OpenTravel Transaction Templates

  • Associated industry: Travel and Hospitality
  • Associated application: All

This inetrface provides the transaction templates for all 240+ OpenTravel messages. It contains a set of request/response routes for producing and consuming OpenTravel messages. Also it contains a comprehensive tutorial on how to build, test, validate and deploy complete OpenTravel XML interfaces. More...

This bundle showcases several of the new modules that are used to easily interface with Splunk. More...

XCS eiPlatform enabled on IBM PureFlex Systems

  • Offered by: PilotFish Technology
  • Associated industry: All

Now enabled on IBM PureSystems for integrated expertise and rapid deployment, PilotFish XCS eiPlatform is a middleware runtime solution that enables the integration of any system or service with any other regardless of platform, operating system, data format or communication protocol. More...

eiConsole for Insurance (PCS) Bundle

  • Offered by: PilotFish Technology
  • Associated industry: Insurance
  • Associated application: All

PilotFish Technology's XCS eiConsole for ACORD is a graphical Integrated Development Environment that helps you develop, test, deploy, manage, and maintain ACORD interfaces with specific capabilities that enable the fastest, highest quality, and most cost effective means of implementing the ACORD XML standard. Members of ACORD are eligible to receive one FREE Concurrent Use license for the XCS eiConsole from ACORD's website. More...

eiConsole for Insurance (LAH) Bundle

  • Offered by: PilotFish Technology
  • Associated industry: Insurance
  • Associated application: All

PilotFish Technology's XCS eiConsole for ACORD is a graphical Integrated Development Environment that helps you develop, test, deploy, manage, and maintain ACORD interfaces with specific capabilities that enable the fastest, highest quality, and most cost effective means of implementing the ACORD XML standard. Members of ACORD are eligible to receive one FREE Concurrent Use license for the XCS eiConsole from ACORD's website. More...

OpenTravel FastRez Ultralight Bundle

  • Offered by: PilotFish Technology
  • Associated industry: Travel and Hospitality
  • Associated application: All

The OpenTravel FastRez Ultralight Bundle includes a single XCS eiConsole license, a single XCS eiPlatform runtime license and a comprehensive tutorial on how to build, test, validate and deploy OpenTravel FastRez XML interfaces. For those companies that have licensed the FastRez Schema from OpenTravel, message templates are provided. More...

eiConsole for FastRez Bundle

  • Offered by: PilotFish Technology
  • Associated industry: Travel and Hospitality, Hotels, Rental Cars, Airlines
  • Associated application: All

This is the eiConsole for FastRez Bundle. The XCS eiConsole for FastRez includes a single XCS eiConsole license that has the capability to import the OpenTravel FastRez schema and documentation. A comprehensive tutorial on how to build, test, validate and deploy OpenTravel FastRez XML interfaces is included. More...

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